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Stomach folding surgery is the process of reducing the stomach with sutures without any surgical incision to restrict food intake.

Many surgical methods are used in the treatment of obesity, which is rapidly becoming widespread today.

It is a weight loss operation similar to sleeve gastrectomy, which has been started to be performed in recent years. While some of these surgical interventions require little intervention in the body, sometimes the situation is quite complex.

One of these methods is called “stomach folding surgery“. As a result of this procedure, the volume of the stomach decreases by 70-75%.

This method is an intervention applied to patients who meet the necessary criteria and cannot achieve success in dieting.

This method, which is also called “gastric plication surgery” medically, narrows the stomach by folding in the stomach itself and prevents obesity patients who cannot lose weight with diet to regain the weight they lost by losing weight.

As a result of this intervention, the food reaching the stomach slows down and the amount of food taken into the stomach is reduced.

How is Stomach Folding Surgery Applied?

Stomach folding operation is divided into two branches during the application phase. These pathways are: gastric anterior wall folding and gastric anterior gastric posterior wall folding.

Anterior gastric wall folding: Stomach anterior wall– is a less preferred method compared to gastric posterior wall folding.

The reason why this method is less preferred is that the folding process is done in a small area and it can flex over time. When yawning, an increase in the decreased stomach volume is observed again.

Anterior stomach wall-stomach back wall folding: This is the most preferred method in gastric folding surgery. This method is based on the folding of both the anterior and posterior walls of the stomach onto each other.

This method, which is applied with the laparoscopic procedure, is applied after 5 small surgical incisions in the abdomen. Compared to the other method, it is done in a shorter time and is less costly.

During the application phase, the patient is first put to sleep with general anesthesia. 5 small surgical incisions are applied to the abdomen.

With the help of the operation devices placed in the inner region of the abdomen through the incisions, the stomach walls begin to fold over each other.

After this folding process, contraction takes place along the long line of the stomach. After this procedure, a large (70-75%) reduction in stomach volume is observed.

To Whom Is Stomach Folding Surgery Applied?

When stomach folding surgery is applied, people are not expected to lose weight at a high rate and rapidly. For this reason more:

  • In obese patients whose body mass index has been between 30-35 for several years,
  • Individuals who tried to lose weight without surgical intervention before but were unsuccessful
  • It can be applied to people who are in good mental and physical health in order to perform the surgery.

How Does Stomach Fold Surgery Affect The Body?

As a result of stomach fold, operation, 40-70% of excess weight can be lost in the first 1 year. Apart from losing weight, this surgery also provides benefits to the body.

Although we do not have long-term studies, improvement in cholesterol levels, co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea was observed in the vast majority of patients.

How Long Does The Stomach Fold Surgery Process Take?

Stomach folding surgery is a laparoscopic surgical intervention and takes an average of 75-90 minutes.

Anterior stomach wall-stomach back wall folding is a type of folding surgery that is performed faster than the anterior stomach wall folding procedure.

What Are The Things To Be Done Before Stomach Folding Surgery?

Before this intervention is applied, consultations such as cardiology, chest diseases, and additional examinations such as echocardiography can be performed.

If it has not been done before, a detailed blood analysis should be done, you may be asked to undergo an endocrinological examination in terms of hormonal disorders, and to meet with a nutrition and dietetic specialist and a psychotherapist for better adaptation to the situation after gastric folding surgery.

You should try to lose weight as much as possible, it will make the surgery easier by reducing the liver volume. If used, aspirin and similar blood thinners should be discontinued at least 7-10 days in advance.

What Are The Advantages Of Gastric Fold Surgery?

Stomach folding operation provides advantages for people who want to lose some weight. These advantages are:

  • After the operation, there is no deterioration in the natural structure of the stomach.
  • Slaughter procedure is not performed on the stomach. Stomach walls fold directly over each other
  • After this procedure, the stomach can be restored at any time.
  • There is no intervention in the intestines. After digesting the consumed food, there is no problem in the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the intestines.
  • Severe diarrhea or reflux diseases are less likely to occur.
  • This intervention only provides satiation by consuming less food.
  • When applied together with exercise and diet lists, people can easily get rid of their excess weight.
  • After the surgery, rapid recovery is observed.
  • No foreign body is placed in the body.
  • It is a procedure applied by laparoscopic method.
  • There are no side effects such as allergies and erosion.

What Are The Risks Of Gastric Fold Surgery?

Since it is a surgical intervention, this surgery has both advantages and disadvantages.

Transient and serious complications may occur after surgical intervention. Temporary complications can often be nausea and vomiting.

These complications go away on their own as the body gets used to the new volume of the stomach and the changing diet.

Serious complications are separation of the suture areas and leakage from the suture areas. When such situations are encountered, revisional surgery should be applied to the patient immediately and these complications should be corrected.

What İs The Process After Gastric Folding Surgery?

Stomach folding surgery is completed in approximately one and a half hours. Since it is performed under general anesthesia, patients do not feel any pain during the operation.

The length of stay in the hospital varies from person to person. For this reason, patients stay in the hospital for 1-3 days on average.

After surgical intervention, obese individuals can return to the working environment after 15 days. In this process, following the diet list given by the dietitian makes this process easier.

After the surgical intervention, water should not be touched to the operation area, especially during the first 2-3 days. About 1 month should be waited for exercises such as light sports, walking and jogging.

After a few days, you can walk slowly. In this process, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse 1 month after the operation.

In order to get pregnant, it is recommended to wait 1 year after the operation. It is sufficient to wait at least 1 week to drive.

How Should Nutrition Be After Gastric Folding Surgery?

The steps to be taken for nutrition after gastric fold surgery are very important. In case of malnutrition, complications such as nausea may occur.

In addition, the rate of weight loss slows down. In order to eat properly after the surgery, the following should be considered:

  • The first two weeks should start with foods containing only liquids.
  • However, you should pay attention to the fact that liquid and solid should not be consumed at the same time.
  • Water, milk, fruit juice and low-sugar/sugar-free non-carbonated beverages should be consumed.
  • In the second and third week, she should start consuming thick liquids gradually.
  • She should be able to consume vegetable soups, yogurt or liquefied foods.
  • However, safe foods should be learned in consultation with the bariatric surgeon before all liquids.
  • Starting from 1 month, she should start consuming solids with small particles gradually.
  • Eat lean meat, chicken or similar foods in small portions.
  • Food should be chewed and eaten in small bites.
  • In this diet process, acidic, sugary and processed foods should be avoided.
  • Do not consume fast food, alcohol, cigarettes or fatty foods.